Earlier this week local MP Robert Goodwill visited the Construction Skills Village to see the new site at High Eastfield Farm.
Mr Goodwill said:
“I was absolutely amazed at the progress that has been made developing the new Skills Village at its permanent site utilising redundant farm buildings. These must be the best facilities in the country. It is particularly important that we can conduct this kind of apprenticeship training her on the coast as so much development is taking and will take place in the area. There are dozens of job opportunities that will flow from this and I want to see local lads and lasses taking advantage of this. The timing is particularly apposite as Scarborough Tech are discontinuing plumbing courses but the Skills Village is well equipped to fill the gap. One important element will be the new skills needed to construct and adapt homes to meet higher environmental standards. The Town Deal money allocated to Scarborough has meant that this green aspect can be funded and delivered.”