A WHITBY teenager got a taste of political life when she shadowed the town’s local MP for the day.
Niamh Readman (14) of Abbots Road spent the day with Robert Goodwill MP for Scarborough and Whitby as part of a scheme being run by North Yorkshire County Council and the UK Youth Parliament.
Along with Mr Goodwill, Niamh who is a student at Whitby Community College and a member of the newly formed Whitby Youth Council, attended constituency meetings and appointments and discussed his roles and responsibilities.
The scheme, called Take Over Day, invited young people from across North Yorkshire to apply to spend the day with six political figures from MPs, to council officers, to councillors.
Niamh said: “I had to apply in a hundred words why I was interested. I wanted to see how he copes with complaints from people and what does he do with his time.
“I was surprised on the day how busy he was, he kept popping out, going places, he was really busy.
“I like to keep up to date with what’s going on locally and nationally and I understand how it all works and how he deals with problems now that I have spent time with him. It was a really good experience.”
Whitby Gazette