Scarborough and Whitby MP, Robert Goodwill showed his support for efforts to tackle the relatively unknown illness Sepsis, which claims the lives of 37,000 people every year in the UK by attending a reception in the House of Commons. The event supported World Sepsis Day (13thSeptember), which aims to raise awareness of a condition that kills more people than breast cancer, bowel cancer and prostate cancer combined.
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body's response to an infection damages its own tissues and organs. It can lead to shock, multiple organ failure, and death, especially if it is not recognised early and treated promptly. Sepsis is the leading cause of death from infection around the world and, despite advances in modern medicine like vaccines, antibiotics, and acute care experts believe not enough is being done to save lives.
Speakers at the event included Patrick Kane,a 15-year old school boy who survived Sepsis and who carried the Olympic torch through London in July. He developed Sepsis as a nine month old baby and lost his right leg below the knee and his left lower arm and fingers off his right hand to the disease. He was joined at the speaker's podium by MPs, Dr. Ron Daniels, Chief Executive of the UK Sepsis Trust.
The speakers discussed the Sepsis ""Golden Hour""; if a patient is diagnosed and treated in the first hour following presentation with Sepsis, they will have more than an 80% survival rate. After the sixth hour, the patient only has a 30% survival rate.
Dr. Ron Daniels comments; “The statistics associated with Sepsis have dramatic implications for global efforts to eliminate disease. Sepsis is a medical emergency and requires a worldwide effort to educate and engage both the general public and political powers, to take steps required to tackle its growing number of victims.”
Through strategies for early recognition and treatment, many more Sepsis patients will be diagnosed and interventions delivered before severe organ dysfunction develops.
Mr Goodwill MP stated:
“While Sepsis is a condition which may not hit the headlines, it is deadly. It is a little known life threatening illness that claims the lives of 37,000 people in the UK every year. If timely interventions proposed by the UK Sepsis Trust were adopted across the NHS it could save up to 10,000 lives a year and the NHS money.
“I was keen to show my support for efforts to tackle the disease and save lives. I want to see Sepsis viewed as a medical emergency and have a much higher profile among medical professionals and the public”
House of Commons
12 September 2012