Scarborough Hospital’s new ward is nearing completion and is due to be finished at the end of this month. It will become operational in mid-March following a programme of deep-cleaning.
The ward will be named Lilac Ward in keeping with the hospital’s other wards which are all named after trees.
The new ward, which is located on top of Maple Ward, has 31 beds. There are 15 single rooms and four, four bed bays.
The design of the ward incorporates best practice in clinical layout and in order to try and blend in with the landscape the external appearance of the ward has been partially clad in colours to match surrounding developments.
Andrew Bennett, Head of Capital Projects, said: “We are delighted that Lilac Ward - our brand new £5 million ward at Scarborough Hospital - is nearing completion. This project shows further investment in the Scarborough Hospital site and demonstrates a significant capital investment by the Trust to improve clinical accommodation for our patients.
“Lilac Ward will provide our patients with top quality accommodation in a state-of-the-art environment.”
The ward will open as a surgical facility allowing the old Haldane ward, which is located in the North Wing to close.
Work began on the ward on 28 April 2014. The main contractor is Kier and the cost of construction is in the region of £5 million.